What's a Voidpet?
Voidpets are creatures born from emotions. They each have a signature eye shape, and grow more eyes as they evolve.
Meet Anxious.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Visit the VoidDex to see all emotions
What are Vivids?
If you wander the void for long enough, you might encounter Vivid Voidpets. Each of these rare variants is twice as rare as the one before it.
Visit the VoidDex to see all vivids
Voidpet Garden: Mental Health
Our award-winning app where you collect Voidpets as you work on your emotional wellbeing.Play Now
Voidpet Dungeon
Our new strategy and battle RPG! Collect rare Voidpets and battle bosses in an action-packed mobile game.Play Now
Hands of Greed
Our first Voidpet book! A 400-page fantasy novel about the lore of Voidpet, written over 3 years of working on the games.Read Now